Adjustable Spark Ignitor or Flame Rod Thread 1/2" Length 521 mm
Alternative price: 23 900 ₽ Adjustable Spark Ignitor or Flame Rod...
Adjustable Spark Ignitor or Flame Rod Thread 1/2" Length 2"
Alternative price: 22 900 ₽ Adjustable Spark Ignitor or Flame Rod...
ZE 14-12-200 A1 Kanthal A1, NiCR 8020, X10CrNi 188, X12CrNi 188...
Alternative price: 3 900 ₽ BERU ZE 14-12-200 A1 Kanthal A1,...
ZE14-8-250A1 0009350025, 0 009 350 025, 0009.350.025...
All prices are quoted net before value added tax at the statutory rate. Prices also do not include any packing and shipping costs.
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Spark plugs and ignition systems
old number: 12300384 References: 12420916 1242-0916 1242 0916 12300384 1230-0384 1230 0384 old number: 12300384 References:...
completely pre-finished with piston ringwith piston pinwith snap ringold number: 1230-1344, 1230 1344 References:12453016, 1245-3016, 1245 3016 completely pre-finished with piston...
old number: 12452475 References: 12452475, 1245-2475, 1245 2475, 12452652, 1245-2652, 1245 2652 old number: 12452475 References:...
MWM valve cover gasket for TBD 604, TBD 620, TBG 620, TCD 2020, TCG 2020, TBD 604, G 604 and TBG 604 engines.180x260mmReferences:12032892, 1203-2892, 1203 2892 MWM valve cover gasket for TBD 604,...
old number: 12452168 References: 12452033, 1245-2033, 1245 2033, 12452168, 1245-2168, 1245 2168 old number: 12452168 References:...
old number: 12305956 12302000 References:12307718, 1230-7718, 1230 7718, 12305956, 1230-5956, 1230 5956, 12302000, 1230-2000, 1230 2000 old number: 12305956 12302000...
old number: 12305957, 12302001 References: 12307719, 1230-7719, 1230 7719, 12305957, 1230-5957, 1230 5957, 12302001, 1230-2001, 1230 2001 old number: 12305957, 12302001...
Bosch 0001601028, MWM 12307410 для DEUTZ / MWM / Caterpillar Energy Solutions TBG 620 V20, TCG 2020 V20 12307410, 1230-7410, 1230 7410 Bosch 0001601028, MWM 12307410...
12153965, 1215-3965, 1215 3965, 12479550, 1247-9550, 1247 9550 Motortech 0650055, 06.50.055 ENS 99033 Altronic 501061ONERGYS 30003353 12153965, 1215-3965, 1215 3965,...
References: MWM Deutz 12466706, 1246-6706, 1246 6706, ÖFE10, UT99: 600175 References: MWM Deutz 12466706,...
Use with: - Piston 12314106- Gasket ГБЦ 12319951 (12342604) References: 12342162, 1234-2162, 1234 2162 Use with: - Piston 12314106- Gasket...
old number: 01181927 01181880 01153816 References: 01183300 0118-3300 0118 3300 01181927 0118-1927 0118 1927 01181880 0118-1880 0118 1880 01153816 0115-3816 0115 3816 old number: 01181927 01181880...
MWM / Deutz: 12213242, 1221-3242, 1221 3242 MWM / Deutz: 12213242, 1221-3242,...
Cross-References: MWM: 12153843, 1215-3843, 1215 3843 Bosch: 0001510032, 0 001 510 032 Cross-References: MWM: 12153843,...
References: 12322279, 1232-2279, 1232 2279 References: 12322279, 1232-2279, 1232...
old nmber: 12299387 12323628 References:12323628, 1232-3628, 1232 3628,12299387, 1229-9387, 1229 9387, 12323810, 1232-3810, 1232 3810 old nmber: 12299387 12323628...
for TCG 2016 12217738, 1221-7738, 1221 7738 for TCG 2016 12217738, 1221-7738,...
References: 12217672, 1221-7672, 1221 7672 References: 12217672, 1221-7672, 1221...
old number: 51012010305 51.01201-0305 References: 51012010467, 51.01201-0467, 51012010305, 51.01201-0305 MAHLE:227WN3401, 227-WN-34-01, 227 WN 34 01KS Kolbenschmidt:89092120, 89-092-120, 89 092 120Götze:1445291000, 14-452910-00, 14 452910 00 old number: 51012010305 51.01201-0305...
MAN E2842 LE312,E2876 E312,E2876 E302,E2842 E312,E2848 LE322,E2842 LE302,E2842 E302,E2842 LE322 138×142,2×2,1 mm, black Viton, FPM RD Sh Old number: 51965010417References:51965010493, 51.96501-0493, 51.96501-0417, 31010-00254 MAN E2842 LE312,E2876 E312,E2876...
E2842 LE312,E2876 TE302,E2876 E312,E2876 LE302,E2876 E302,E2876 LE202,E2842 E312,E2842 LE302,E2842 E302,E2842 LE322 Tombac ring 147,5×153,8×0,05 mm References: 51012220002, 51.01222-0002 E2842 LE312,E2876 TE302,E2876...
E2842 LE312,E2842 E312,E2848 LE322,E2842 LE302,E2842 E302,E2842 LE322 References:51024016234, 51.02401-6234, 51 02401 6234, 51024006034, 51.02400-6034, 51 02400 6034, 51024006036, 51.02400-6036, 51 02400 6036, 51024006013, 51.02400-6013, 51 02400 6013 E2842 LE312,E2842 E312,E2848...
for MAN E2842 E302, E312, LE302, LE312, LE322 и E2848 LE322 References:MAN: 51024106488, 51.02410-6488, 51 02410 6488, 51024106551, 51.02410-6551, 51 02410 6551Mercedes-Benz: A 4420300160, A 442-030-01-60, A 442 030 01 60 , A 4420300960, A 442-030-09-60, A 442 030 09 60 , A 4420301560, A 442-030-15-60, A 442 030 15 60 MAHLE: 001PL10266000,... for MAN E2842 E302, E312, LE302,...
128,00 mm MAN:51025110647, 51.02511-0647, 51 02511 0647, 51025006157, 51.02500-6157, 51 02500 6157MAHLE:2294500, 229-45-00, 229 45 00KS Kolbenschmidt:41000600, 41-000-600, 41 000 600 128,00 mm MAN:51025110647,...